Welcome to Mindelon

Mindelon is a privately owned corporate group that acquires, owns and develops technology-based businesses in a number of well-defined niches.

More about Mindelon

Our companies provide added value to their customers through innovative technical solutions that contribute to increased efficiency and competitiveness.

As owner, we act in the long term and with great confidence in the companies’ own competence to run and develop their operations. Each company therefore has considerable freedom to act and develop based on its individual circumstances. At the same time, we support the companies by contributing financial stability, experience, contacts, and business development tools.

Business professionalism

Good business acumen is about acting so that we build long-term confidence and relationships with customers and suppliers.

Padlock symbolizing eternal love

Decentralised model

Our decentralised business model puts considerable weight on maintaining the entrepreneurial spirit and decision-making strengths in the companies we buy.

Inzoomat jordklot med lysande knutpunkter

Long-term investment horizon

We have a very long-term investment horizon and see ourselves as "eternal" owners.

Old bank building with pillars at entrance

Our companies